LMG Solutions LLC offers a "Rent-A-CIO" service. You have a small, medium sized, or large business and would like to review your Information Technology processes and procedures. You'd like to learn about new technologies that can help you do things better. You may have a large IT project that will last a number of months. You want to "Rent-A-CIO" to advise and oversee implementations during this process. Since technology changes rapidly and quickly you always need to assess if you are operating the most efficiently. With Leeor Geva's IT expertise, a degree in Computer Science, and a Masters in Business Administration, you'll be in good hands. Leeor has been running his own business, LMG Solutions LLC, profitably since day 1 and consulting for hundreds of businesses along the way. The Rent-A-CIO option is a fantastic solution to bring your business up to speed. With no long-term commitment and access to a knowledgeable IT & business expert, the Rent-A-CIO service is a consulting retainer contract you will find extremely helpful, necessary, and may even fall in love with! Please call or email for more information!